Sara and Steph Pizza Wedding
There cannot possibly be two nicer people in the whole world then Sara and Stephen!
They selected a beautiful private villa for their country reception. It was the perfect setting for getting ready (the rooms were beautiful), for taking photos (the Tuscan style architecture and vineyard setting was ideal) , and nearby to St Pancrazio’s Catholic Church, for the ceremony.
The photos in the church just makes me all mushy in side… isn’t it beautiful?
The party began back at the villa they rented, which boasts the most spectacular scenery, with drinks and canapés in the sunshine, then was led in the beautiful panoramic terrace of the villa overlooking the stunning Tuscan countryside.
Steph ‘s friends improvised a funny gag inspired by Queen’s “I want to break free” videoclip, playing the role of the housekeeper
And as Wedding Cake they had…A Big Pizza!
The Gelataio came with his gelato cart to refresh the palates…
The party was in full swing all night, with everyone enthusiastically dancing the DJ music !
We wish Sara and Steph all the love and happiness in the world for the future together as Mr and Mrs.